We allow you to return your item within 30 days of receiving it. To be eligible for a return, the item must have all tags attached, be unused, unwashed, and undamaged. The item must be returned in its original packaging along with a receipt or proof of purchase. Some special items, such as deeply discounted or custom-made items, may not be eligible for return. Please check the product description or contact our customer service for more details.

To initiate the return process, please contact us via email at [email protected] and provide your order information. Once your request is approved, we will send you detailed instructions on how to return the item. The customer will be responsible for the shipping costs to return the item, unless the item is defective or damaged due to our fault.

Once we have received the returned item and confirmed that it meets the return conditions, we will process your refund. The refund will be returned to the payment method you used to make the purchase. Refunds can take up to 5-10 business days, depending on your bank or payment provider. Please note that the original shipping costs are not refundable unless the item is faulty or does not match the order.

You can cancel your order within 24 hours of placing your online order. If you wish to cancel your order, please contact us as soon as possible via email or store phone.

We process your order within 1-3 business days of placing your online order. Estimated delivery time is 7 – 15 business days from the date the order is shipped. Orders will be shipped Monday through Saturday (excluding national holidays) via UPS. Minor delays may occur due to unforeseen factors such as bad weather or logistics issues.

Once your order has been shipped, you will receive a confirmation email or text message with a tracking number and a link to track your package. You can track your package on the UPS website or the link we provide in the confirmation email. If you have any issues with your tracking number, please check our delivery confirmation email.

Standard shipping is $7.88 for all orders nationwide (United States). This shipping cost will be clearly displayed when you proceed to checkout and there are no additional hidden costs.

Ensuring that you provide an accurate shipping address is important to ensure your package is delivered to the correct location. If you accidentally enter the wrong address when placing your order, please contact us immediately. We will do our best to correct the error and ensure your order is delivered to the correct address.

If you have further questions or need further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us at:

Address: 518 W Henry St, Linden, NJ 07036, USA

Email: [email protected]

Working time: 08:00am – 06:00pm (from Monday to Saturday, Sunday off)